HAPPILY HORMONAL | hormone balance, period pain, hormonal imbalance, acne, PMS, PMDD, low energy

E170: Common Blind Spots & Mistakes When Balancing Hormones - These Will Derail Progress Every Time!

Leisha Drews, RN, FDN-P, holistic hormone coach, period expert

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Wouldn't you love to have a BFF who could just tell you what the heck you're doing wrong when it comes to balancing your hormones so you don't have to figure it all out yourself? Well guess what? Now you do!

I've been helping women balance their hormones for 5+ years now and so many of my clients come to me making these mistakes even when they're crunchy mamas who know their stuff and eat well and exercise. Sound like you? Today's episode may help you uncover your blind spots so you can finally stop making these sneaky mistakes and start seeing more progress toward happy hormones.

Today I'm talking blood sugar balance (still), accidental restriction and undernourishing, mindset holdups you don't even know you have, and how throwing spaghetti at the wall is never going to fix your hormones and is only going to make a big ol' mess.

If you're REALLY in the market for a hormone BFF I have 5 spots for a hormone audit at only $77 and when they're gone the price goes up! What's a hormone audit? It's you telling me your hormone probs and what you're doing currently and me telling you what to fix and do next just like your bestie would if she happened to be a nerdy hormone lady.

Grab your hormone audit spot here - there really are only 5!

Mentioned in this episode:

E107: Blood sugar balance and insulin resistance

Love Your Liver Guide
Hormone Imbalance Quiz

(When you’re ready to fix your hormones without the drama of figuring it out on your own)
Nourish Your Hormones Course & Group Coaching
1:1 Hormone Coaching

Leave a 5 star rating on the podcast and DM me the word RATING on IG @leishadrewsfor $20 off the Restored mini-course on blood sugar balance. Blood sugar balance is one of the first steps I take for hormone balance so this is the perfect place to get started!

Instagram: @leishadrews
Read my story + get more hormone resources at my website

Use the code HHPODCAST for $50 off Nourish Your Hormones
Disclaimer: Information shared on this podcast and any referenced websites are not to be taken as medical advice or to be used as a diagnosis or treatment plan for any medical condition. I’m sharing my educated opinions & experience but nothing shared here can be taken on a one size fits all basis and we always recommend you do your own research, talk to your own doctors and practitioners, and take full responsibility for any health & medical choices you make.