HAPPILY HORMONAL | hormone balance for moms, PMS, painful periods, natural birth control, low energy, pro-metabolic
Worried your painful periods, low energy, and PMS mood swings will be with you until menopause? Do you want to have more energy, good periods, and a stable mood without taking birth control, a million supplements, or going on an unrealistic restrictive diet? Do you want to know where to start to balance your hormones naturally? You're in the right place.
Happily Hormonal will help you unlock the secrets to:
Balancing hormones in motherhood with simple nourishment strategies
Using food to have better periods and less PMS even with a busy schedule
Balancing blood sugar for more energy and less anxiety
Getting rid of painful periods for good
Losing the drama of PMS week
Feeling more present and joyful
Increasing your capacity in motherhood and life
Understanding your body and cycles on a deeper level
Having regular, pain free periods and ovulation
Making more progesterone
Taking back control of your health and your hormones so you can show up as the woman you really want to be
Host Leisha Drews, RN, BSN, FDN-P and Holistic Hormone Coach brings you realistic, actionable conversations so you can start to peel back the layers of hormone balance in a way that feels simple and doable for the first time ever so you can have balanced hormones even as a busy mom.
Contact Leisha:
Email: hello@leishadrews.com
Podcast guest inquiries: happilyhormonalpodcast@gmail.com
Website: www.leishadrews.com
IG: @leishadrews
HAPPILY HORMONAL | hormone balance for moms, PMS, painful periods, natural birth control, low energy, pro-metabolic
E180: Be Less Scattered and More Consistent in Your 2025 Hormone Balance Goals - Even With ADHD
Tired of feeling scattered and overwhelmed? Let’s change that.
If you ever feel like you're running on empty, trying to juggle too much, and still falling behind, you're not alone. Life can get chaotic, and sometimes it feels like you can't catch up no matter how hard you try. In this episode, we’ll explore why this happens and how to feel more grounded and relaxed.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
- How to check in with your nervous system and why it’s essential for reducing stress.
- Why honoring rest, like practicing a weekly Sabbath, can boost your productivity and health.
- Simple tips to work with your natural energy levels instead of fighting against them.
Press play, and let's chat about how to bring more calm and balance into your life.
January 1:1 $97 Hormone Audit spots open
Love Your Liver Guide
Hormone Imbalance Quiz
(When you’re ready to fix your hormones without the drama of figuring it out on your own)
Nourish Your Hormones Course & Group Coaching
1:1 Hormone Coaching
Leave a 5-star rating on the podcast and DM me the word RATING on IG @leishadrews for $20 off the Restored mini-course on blood sugar balance. Blood sugar balance is one of the first things we work on to balance hormones!
Use the code HHPODCAST for $50 off Nourish Your Hormones
IG: @leishadrews
Read my story + more hormone resources here
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Disclaimer: Nothing in this podcast is to be taken as medical advice, please take informed accountability and speak to your provider before making changes to your health routine.
This podcast is for women and moms to learn how to balance hormones naturally in motherhood, to have pain-free periods, increased fertility, to decrease PMS mood swings, and to increase energy without restrictive diet plans. You'll learn how to balance blood sugar, increase progesterone naturally, understand the root cause of estrogen dominance, irregular periods, PCOS, insulin resistance, hormonal acne, post birth-control syndrome, and conceive naturally. We use a pro-metabolic, whole food, root cause approach to functional women's health and focus on truly holistic health and mind-body connection.
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Hey friend, I know that this time of year many of us have already made or are planning to make New Year's goals and resolutions. Or maybe that's not for you at all. That's not something you do. Either way, this is a season of new and a season of renewal and it's easy to get in this headspace of how can we make the next year better than the one that we're in right now. Oi want to talk about a few ways that you can be less scattered and more consistent in whatever it is you're doing. Whether you have formal New Year's goals or resolutions or not. This makes a big impact not only on your stress patterns, which make a big impact on your hormone. But on your life in general, so we're not only resetting stress patterns with these steps today, but we're also supporting your hormones and helping you make detox hormones better by being less scattered and more consistent in the new year. Can't wait to dive into this with you. Welcome to the Happily hormonal podcast. Now be a little iffy on whether or not the word hormonal is a good. Then you are in the right place. If you would love to have lasting energy, balance hormones and better periods, and you find yourself spending all of your precious time after the kids go to bed. Researching what to eat, what supplements to take, how to exercise, and you feel overwhelmed by all the info out there and I've got you. Emily, she drew a registered nurse and functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner, plus Mama of three little ones. And I know that hormonal balance doesn't have to be. I'll help you balance your hormones without perfection, with simple steps that actually work for busy Mamas, so you can feel good inside and out, and be present, joyful and confident in the beautiful life you're already living. If you are in for happy hormones taking mess. And seeing results without perfection and put your hair in that mamba and grab your toddler, the 7th snack of the day and grab yourself a bone broth. Hot chocolate. We can do this. So being less scattered is something that I feel like so many of us need as moms, but also just as women and as people in this world, being scattered is so common and so rampant in our society that I was thinking about. How this affects us in being able to follow through with anything? I know that it's really common in my own life, so see if this is you as well. It's really common to take on too much. It's really common to feel. It's really common to feel like you're, like, chasing all of these rabbit trails, and I think that just with general life, there's always a big stack of things on the To Do List. But also I think that it's really important to take a step back. And see how that's affecting the way that you're living and how it's affecting the peace in your body and in your mind. How it's affecting your hormones downstream and? Really just this season of a new year is a really great time to take to just do some assessment. Like I said, whether or not you're a big goals person or a big word of the year or resolutions or any of those things, I know some people are completely. On board with that and love doing that and then some people don't and maybe it changes for you year to year for me, I'm not necessarily setting. Big goals or like resolutions for the New Year, but I do have some hopes and vision for the next year and that may or may not come out as like a formal word of the year or formally writing things down. I think doing some journaling and reflection over. Last year is more where I am right now and then we'll see where it goes from there. With that being said. Whether or not this is about the New Year for you or it's just about the patterns in your life, I have 3 or 4 things. That I want to talk through Indiana being able to be more consistent in what you're doing specifically for balancing your hormones and nourishing your body and supporting your nervous system, but also just in life in general. You can take this in whatever way serves you best. So the first thing that I really like to think about when it comes to being more consistent and less scattered is just taking account of your nervous system. Your nervous system. Out how your body is essentially managing stress. What signals is your brain getting that say things are safe, things are not safe that tell you throughout the day. You running from a bear or a lion? Or is it safe to rest? It safe to. Is it safe to process your emot? Ion, that is what I'm talking about when I'm talking about your nervous system on the most basic level. So a question that I have for you, I ask this to my clients often and I also ask this to women that I'm talking to when we're talking about working together and we're talking about trying to pinpoint some of the stressors in their life or just how they. With stress. The question that I ask is if 10 was the most stressful day of your life that you've ever had and one is your lying on the beach, or if you're not a beach girl, like maybe in the mountains somewhere beautiful that you love. You can't even remember a problem that you possibly had back home, and you're just completely peaceful and restful and joyful like 1 is that 10 is stressed the heck out as much as you've ever been. Where do you live on a daily basis? Talking to someone in the last couple weeks and I asked her this question and she was like, oh, I'm at a nine and she's at a nine everyday. Like I'm always going. I'm always doing. Always stressed. I'm always like doing the next thing. This is something that I hear more often than. I would expect, I think, but more often even I hear an answer of Ohio like A7 right 0. Giving ourselves that buffer of a not at A10 definitely, but 7 out of 10 is high, right? We're still going to consider that if we had a little. Dial that green was at the bottom, like 7 out of 10 is still going to be close to the top and close to the red zone. So if you stop and answer that question while you're listening to this, I would love for you to also answer the question. How does it feel in your? Like, where are you holding stress in your body? I personally hold stress in my shoulders and I really have to stop and think when I ask myself this. Like where am I living with stress right now? And how is it feeling in my body when I stop and ask myself that question? Really obvious sometimes. That my body could not possibly, and my brain could not possibly be getting the signals that things are safe to. Be focused on balancing my hormones or focused on detoxification or healing or rest. When my brain is constantly getting the signal that something is wrong, something is wrong. Something is not safe. A red flag. Does that come from my current circumstances sometime?
It come from past traumas and experiences sometimes, so there's different layers of how we address this, but I think the very first layer is actually taking account of your nervous system. And then I want you to think about this from a little bit of a bigger picture. If you're like. I'm at a 7 but 7 is fine for me. I'm used to being stressed. Got it together. I can handle this, or even you're like I'm at a six. I'm at A5. It's fine for me. I'm good. I think a lot of us would think 5 is good. Like 5's right in the middle but. 5 is still telling your brain a pretty high amount of stress is coming in and things are not safe. At least a moderate. So I'm not expecting that to. All the. I think that would be beautiful, but unrealistic, right? But I think that it would be really ideal to be closer, like less than A5. A lot of the time. Until when we look at this from a bigger picture and we look at this from a picture of feeling really scattered feeling all over the place, feeling like you can't keep up feeling overwhelmed. Of course you feel way like. How would you not feel that way if your brain is constantly getting the signal that things are not safe? There is absolutely no way that you can focus when things are not safe. O if you have a diagnosis of ADHD or you have a suspicion of ADHD in your life and you're like, it's because I have all these symptoms, I can't focus. Always like doing a million things at once. Always. Looking for a dopamine hit? I'm always like forgetting the laundry in the washer. Always leaving my boiling water on the stove. That is. Our habits or our distraction. Is at a certain point that we're used to, and typically is like semi manageable, right? Found ways to cope with. We found ways to like, oh, we'll just run the washer again or oh, I'll set a timer so that I don't forget the water on the stove or whatever that is that it is for you. But. Stopping to question like what is happening in my life that makes things dizzy and that I can't remember these simple tasks that I'm doing. I think that's really important to stop and think. I think that for some, having a diagnosis of ADHD can be really. It can help you put things together and understand why you feel the way you feel, but I think that I have a whole episode on this that will link in the show notes, but I think that it can also be used as a little bit of a CR. Excuse because I just have ADHD. I'm just going. Be hot mess all the time. I don't think that's actually. Necessary to believe that I think that we can still be less scattered and more consistent when we just take into account what's actually coming into our. Lives and see how it's affecting us, OK? So you have done this assessment with me. Like I'm A7. It's all in my shoulders like this is where I feel it in my body. What do we? About that. I think that in the season of reflection and the season of renewal and looking at the new year, I think it would be really helpful to sit down and make a list and say. These are the things. That are stressing me out.
Maybe it's big.
Maybe it's your? Maybe it's finances. Maybe it's your. Maybe it's sickness, like all of these things. Can be so stressful. And there's probably a little bit of progress that you can make where it would feel a little bit better, but it could also be like nothing feels really wrong. Everything's fine, but I still feel distressed. And so in that case, is it keeping up with the house? It. Is it the kids? Extracurricular activities. Is it all of the commitments that you've made that may or may not actually be serving you in this moment? And I think just taking a brain dump and writing down all those things and then just questioning in a really curious and open way, what could change here, what? Am I not a victim to and how could I make changes if I was coming from a really empowered and encouraged and aligned place? And maybe that takes some reflection from. Maybe that takes conversations with your husband. Prayer talking to a. But sometimes, if we actually just take a little step back, it can be more obvious than we think. What things we need less of. And maybe even in that same assessment, it comes clear what we need more. And so if for your hormone balance like you need to be able to eat consistently, you need to be able to get sunshine. You need to be able to get sleep. Those are absolutely basics in my opinion. Non negotiables. And how much of the time are we making them? Negotiable because of dance practice or because of whatever right. We have to practice. That's my example, but how much of the time are we making it negotiable for something that? Actually, is negotiable or something that could be planned into our schedules in a little bit of a different way. I think that is a question that I have for you. I would love to hear your answers if you want to respond to. Truly, I would love to hear if you actually do this exercise, what comes up for you. So send me Adm. Dad would really love. So that's the step #1. Account of your nervous system. Where are you and how possible is it? Honestly, in the nervous system state that you're in right now to make progress forward. If you're like, oh, I'm stressed the heck out all the time, I'm already overwhelmed. Why am I trying to put more on my plate? Then I would really encourage you to pray about and think about what could come off of your plate or what could change, or even what could just change about your mindset about what you're doing that would allow for you to. Find a step to be consistent with in your health and in your hormones. #2 this goes along in the same vein, but I find that it is incredibly important and this is honestly not actually my opinion. This comes from the Bible, but in the Bible in Exodus 20, in the 10 commandment it says. That we are to take a. And I don't believe this is. I truly don't believe this is done away. I don't think it's this is legalistic or being under the law. But God commanded us to rest one day a week, he says. Days you should labor. Rest how many of us are actually taking a Sabbath? My family. Not because we're perfect, but my family. I grew up taking a. This is something that my parents established in our life when we were like 10 years old when I was like 10 years old. I cannot tell you how thankful I am that we have a weekly Sabbath that is a non negotiable it. That we do every single week and some weeks it's more restful than others to be honest, because that's just how it is. We have this non negotiable weekly Sabbath and there are things that we don't. And that could feel legalistic, potentially, but also like, it's so freeing to be like, Nope, that's not on my list today. Not going to go shopping. I'm not going to. I'm not going to make money. Not going to spend money. I'm going to rest and maybe that rest looks like taking a nap. Maybe that rest looks like hanging out with family. Maybe that rest. Looks like just. Right. But there's a little bit of space created for that rest and in the same conversation that I was having. We were talking about do you ever rest? Do you ever take the weekend off? You ever take a day? Do you ever take the afternoon off and in this conversation she was like, no, I'm out like I need to always be doing something. Can't sit down. Can't. I can't whatever and it's like. When you're in that state, your nervous system is so over stimulated. Much as it sounds like. It would be slowing down progress to take a rest. It's absolutely not. And let's take the example of Chick-fil-A. Because we all know the chick fil. They always have more business than I would say, more than they can handle, but they've learned how to handle it. And it's one of the busiest fast food restaurants in America. And yet they take a day off every single week as a non. And their profits are higher than the restaurants who do not take a day off. Some of them I'm. Maybe not every single restaurant, but. They are not suffering because of that obedience and because. Of that ability to not only like their family is taking a rest, I'm sure their family's not working in the restaurants, but they are giving their employees a rest. And I think that there's just something vital about having space for rest that is set aside that is. Negotiable. And that your body can count on that, and your brain can count on that. Like I said, this is not my. This is actually from the Lord, so that would be something to consider in 2025 if you are over stimulated, overworked, scattered all over the place. What would it look like to take a rest? It's a whole day. A week. Maybe as you start with 1/2 day. I think that anything that you are giving as an offering to the Lord is going to come back fruitful and so that be something to really consider and think about in my opinion, not only for spiritual reasons, but also just for physical reasons when our bodies are ex. And overwhelmed, they need rest. #3 to be less scattered and more consistent is cycle syncing. Now this is not traditional cycle thinking because I find that for moms in my position in life essentially like. Bunch of kids, probably homeschooling or busy, or working, or all of the above. Cycle syncing in the traditional sense, where you're like, OK, I need these certain foods this week and I need to do this certain thing this week and I need to change my exercise for every single week. Like sometimes that is way too much and that would add to. Overwhelm that would add to being really scattered and less consistent, and that is not what I'm talking about. But what I am talking about is understanding that you are not the same woman every single day of the month. And as you have a likelihood, me say, if you have been here a minute or two. Are hormone cycles and shifts are meant to be more like these gentle waves crashing on the beach. Beautiful, Sunny Seashore Day versus like a wild roller coaster that you're just like hanging. For dear life. But that doesn't mean it's a flat line, and we're just the same every single day of the month because we're absolutely not. And so just understanding that maybe your goals and your plans and your creativity and your productivity will be shifting a little bit throughout the month. But when you understand that you can work with it instead of against it. So if you're on. You're more likely to be. You're more likely to be good at planning and thinking and analyzing versus when you're ovulating. You're more likely to be wanting to be more social and creative and extroverted. And when you're almost back at your period, that might be a time where you are in your nesting phase and you are ready to clean. Ready to get stuff done? You're ready to knock out the projects and that's all you want to do and just paying attention throughout the cycle. To what you are good at different weeks or different days in your cycle and what you are not good at, I think is incredibly helpful. Because when we can lean into that a little bit. Then we can actually be less scattered and more consistent with the things that we're doing. So that doesn't mean, OK, you just have one week of motivation to actually. Well, until you only do it one week a month, that's not what I'm talking about. The things that are basic and they need to happen every single day. And when we're not working against ourselves, it's a lot easier to do the basics. So this could look like again just a very simple assessment. Maybe you just. A note in your phone and every night before bed, you write down day six of my cycle. Felt productive in this. Didn't feel productive in this way. And then you just keep track of that for a month. Two and maybe the next month, you go back up and you look and you're like Day 6. Look, I felt the same. Or Day 6 definitely didn't feel the. I wonder why and just go through and pay attention to your own cycle. Don't worry about seed cycling. Don't worry about. Obsessively eating certain things or not eating certain things, but even when it comes to. Exercise. Find that being consistent for me doesn't look like doing the exact same thing every day out of the month it looks like. Being. That when I'm on my period, I'm not going to go as hard and it's not even a again, like a legalistic line on my period. Can't go as. It's. I don't feel like going as. And so I'm going to do. A little bit less. I'm going to do a little bit less reps of whatever I'm doing and then when I'm going into ovulation, I'm going to be feeling pretty good and I'm going to want to do a little bit more. Ludlow ometimes. I just want to kill it in. Sometimes that feels really good to me, and I know that to be consistent and to feel good during my period energy wise and just motivation wise. I cannot go as hard as I want to go in ludl and not get wiped out, and that comes from just aying attention to my own patterns and so consistency for me is maybe pulling it back a little bit and ludeal not doing quite as much as I. To do because I usually feel really good. And it does tend to cause me to get a little more grumpy and a little more tired and a little more worn out when I get to that period week. Just understanding you are not the same woman every day of the. Month and not letting that be negative. Not letting that be stressful, not letting that be overwhelming, but just taking it as it is and knowing that it'll change as your hormones change and balance and maybe it'll become more of that like smooth wave like cycle versus A roll. Coaster and if that's something you're ready for, then it's time to reach out. Can get you. Enrolled in nurse hormones, we can talk about one-on-one. These are things that I will help you with when you are ready. OK. And then last thing that is going to. The hardest? Is to take one thing at a time. So specifically, we're talking about hormone balance. I'm going to tell you that you need to start with balancing your blood sugar. You need to start with eating breakfast. You need to start with paying attention to how you're balancing your food. That's going to be #1, and that doesn't mean you do that and you do adrenal cocktails and you do carrot salad and you like, you Add all the things and you're like, I'm going to do all the things. Cool, except for how does that? Like it doesn't work for most of. You don't do all the things at once and have any type of real results. You need to start with one thing. You need to start with the most important things that are going to move the needle most. And if you're like, great. I have no freaking clue what that is then. Then that's something we can work on that is. But I work with my one-on-one clients on and that is the huge benefit of one-on-one is coming in and I will tell you what the things are. And then I also have a few spots still open for January hormone audits and those hormone AUD. Are exactly that. Fill out a form for me. You tell me what you're. What you're doing, what your like how you're sleeping. How your. And I will take all that info and I. Chew it up. And I will give you a cute little list of the things that are most important for. For you so that you don't have to be. So you don't have to be trying to do all the. We're just going to start with the first thing first and then I'll give you a couple more steps as well. So you have the next steps too. That is the most helpful and most important. And I know with a brain that tends to lean towards being more SC. And less consistent. In my own life over here, it is really easy to make the list and be like oh. Have to do. All of these things this month when I pick a plan for three months, six months, a year, whatever. Especially in my business, that's usually the only time I really do. I am so guilty of being like all these things have to happen now, month one, month 2. Super full rest of the year, probably. Be done with. It's just it's so easy for me to do that. Does it work? It doesn't work. And every time I do that, I'm like, everything's urgent. I need to do it all right now. No, but then I don't do it all. So really being able to tone yourself down, rein yourself in and say what is the most important, how can I get consistent with that for a few weeks or a few months? Then I'll add the next thing. Depending on all of the other things in your life. And how that all works out for you, you can be less scattered. Can be more. It's just going to take a little bit of scaling back in a little bit of assessment and reassessment and checking in with yourself and being honest as you go. I would also just add that condemning yourself when things don't workout. Is generally very unhelpful and so being able to just get curious, say interesting. If this wasn't my own life, it was someone else's life and I wasn't judging myself so harshly. Why would I think this didn't work? And being able to just hold it from place of? Versus a place of condemnation and shame and guilt. Can be so incredibly helpful as. So I hope that this helps you step back and take a look at things and then if you are in need of the framework, I have multiple ways that we can work together and give you that framework so that you know exactly what to do for your. And you have the foundation that you can actually make progress forward because you're not just so in over your head without having looked at what's going on around you. OK, see you next week. Any information shared on this podcast is solely for educational. Is not to be taken as medical advice or to be used as a diagnosis or treatment plan for any medical condition. I'm sharing my educated opinions and experience, but nothing shared here can be taken on A1 size fits all basis and we always recommend that you do your own research. To your own doctors and take full informed responsibility for any health and medical choices that you make. Hey, thanks so much for hanging out with me today. If you had as much fun with this episode as I did, make sure to share it with one or three of your besties and leave a rating and review so that more and more women can find this podcast. Have happy hormones. And when you're ready to have. Pain free periods. No more PMS in energy and capacity to live the life you really want to live. Then it's time to join us and nourish your. I can't wait to see you in there and help you have balance hormones all month long. See you next time.