HAPPILY HORMONAL | hormone balance for moms, PMS, painful periods, natural birth control, low energy, pro-metabolic
Worried your painful periods, low energy, and PMS mood swings will be with you until menopause? Do you want to have more energy, good periods, and a stable mood without taking birth control, a million supplements, or going on an unrealistic restrictive diet? Do you want to know where to start to balance your hormones naturally? You're in the right place.
Happily Hormonal will help you unlock the secrets to:
Balancing hormones in motherhood with simple nourishment strategies
Using food to have better periods and less PMS even with a busy schedule
Balancing blood sugar for more energy and less anxiety
Getting rid of painful periods for good
Losing the drama of PMS week
Feeling more present and joyful
Increasing your capacity in motherhood and life
Understanding your body and cycles on a deeper level
Having regular, pain free periods and ovulation
Making more progesterone
Taking back control of your health and your hormones so you can show up as the woman you really want to be
Host Leisha Drews, RN, BSN, FDN-P and Holistic Hormone Coach brings you realistic, actionable conversations so you can start to peel back the layers of hormone balance in a way that feels simple and doable for the first time ever so you can have balanced hormones even as a busy mom.
Contact Leisha:
Email: hello@leishadrews.com
Podcast guest inquiries: happilyhormonalpodcast@gmail.com
Website: www.leishadrews.com
IG: @leishadrews
HAPPILY HORMONAL | hormone balance for moms, PMS, painful periods, natural birth control, low energy, pro-metabolic
E185: Do Less for Happier Hormones: Estrogen Dominance, Low Progesterone & Hormone Balance FAQ with Dr Heather Rhodes
Feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list and unsure about balancing your hormones? It doesn’t have to be complicated!
In this episode, Leisha and Dr. Heather Rhodes address common questions about hormone balance, estrogen dominance, and progesterone. They’ll simplify the confusion and show you how small changes can lead to big improvements without adding to your busy schedule.
You’ll discover:
- Balancing hormones means doing less—smarter!
- The truth about hormone supplements and why they may not be the answer.
- Practical tips to synchronize with your body, helping you feel like yourself again.
Don’t miss out—this episode is your shortcut to less stress, more energy, and a healthier, happier you.
Connect with Dr Heather Rhodes:
IG: @drheatherrhodes
Love Your Liver Guide
Hormone Secrets Workshop
When you’re ready to fix your hormones without the drama of figuring it out on your own:
Join Nourish Your Hormones Coaching
1:1 Hormone Coaching
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Disclaimer: Nothing in this podcast is to be taken as medical advice, please take informed accountability and speak to your provider before making changes to your health routine.
This podcast is for women and moms to learn how to balance hormones naturally in motherhood, to have pain-free periods, increased fertility, to decrease PMS mood swings, and to increase energy without restrictive diet plans. You'll learn how to balance blood sugar, increase progesterone naturally, understand the root cause of estrogen dominance, irregular periods, PCOS, insulin resistance, hormonal acne, post birth-control syndrome, and conceive naturally. We use a pro-metabolic, whole food, root cause approach to functional women's health and focus on truly holistic health and mind-body connection.
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Leisha: Hey friend, welcome back to the podcast. I have an announcement to make and I'm really excited for my guests today because Heather and I, Dr. Heather Rhodes, and I have decided to do some more collaboration in 2025 for a lot of reasons, but one of the reasons is I have a really big value on things being fun.
I have a lot of fun when Heather and I record together, and we want to just bring more of that to the podcast. We are going to be doing more episodes together this spring, and we wanted to kick off one of these first episodes of 2025 with. Really just some frequently asked questions because both of us have been in this hormone balance work for a while now, and we get a lot of the same questions and we know that these are questions that you have either asked or once you hear them, you're going to be like, Oh, I wish I had asked that.
So we're going to go through just some of those basic questions, or some of them are basic and some of them are like more specific. So Heather, welcome. I'm excited to get into this with
Heather: Yay, I'm pumped to be here too, Leisha.
Leisha: I'm just going to dive into the first question and I'll let you start this answer. Number one question that I get is some variation on, I have a really busy life. I don't have a lot of time. How do I have enough time to balance my hormones? And I think that this question, in my opinion, ranges from How do I actually have time to eat food, but also really more of the, how do I have enough time to pinpoint what I actually need to do and then do it is the bigger question.
Heather: Yeah, and I think a part of what I even hear in that question, oh my gosh, there's so much to unpack there, but a part of it is if you already have The mindset of you don't have enough time. That is your like focus. That's what your brain is offering to you. The number one, you're probably not going to have enough time, right?
Because that's, you're going to have that reality because that's what your brain is looking for evidence of. And also it could be that's the reason your hormones are a little wacky because if you are so tightly Scheduled. Or there's a lot of people that have a lot of access to you or a lot of demand on your time.
That's also part of an issue that can create some hormone imbalances, but there's still that reality too of maybe it's not that. You've cut out anything extra and you still just are taking care of a lot of people, or you have a lot on your plate or you're in a really busy season. And I think during that time it doesn't take any more of your actual time to support and balance your hormones.
Because the truth is the way you and I coach people and the way we, our methods are structured, To allow people to see results with their hormones is to actually take what they're already doing day in and day out and just make shifts to those things. So you're already eating, you're already making decisions about what to eat.
You're already potentially moving your body, whether you're moving it in like a productive way or not, that doesn't necessarily mean that you like already have time for exercise. But I actually find that for a lot of my clients, if they are in a season where they're that busy, they don't have time to work out.
And I'm like, okay, don't work out. Don't add that to your plate right now. So sometimes that question of how do I have enough time? It's you actually don't need more time to balance your hormones. You probably just need more intentionality behind the things that you're already doing.
And I find that when that's the case, you actually start finding way more time. It feels like you don't have enough time to like, I don't know. Decide what you're going to eat beforehand or prep your meals. But then it's like, when you are making 15 million decisions all day, and every moment is a new decision because you didn't have time to rethink it.
Then you've actually wasted so much time because your brain is foggy and you're not sharp and you don't. Like you're spending extra time three times a day to even make the decision about what to do next, I find that for a lot of my clients, they don't need extra time and they end up finding extra time when they start making shifts to be more intentional.
And I also think too that for a lot of women, when they're feeling like, I don't have enough time to balance my hormones, it's because they're reading a lot of information and they're getting a lot of noise coming in, telling them they need to do all of these things. They need to check all these boxes in order to balance their hormones.
And my concern is how much time are you spending researching those things or scrolling to find those answers when they may or may not even be applicable to you? And so then it's adding more pressure because you're like down these rabbit holes and then you feel all this pressure of I've got to do all these things and all of those things might not even move the needle for you, but just getting more specific and intentional and clear about what you're already doing could move the needle for you 10 times faster.
Leisha: I absolutely agree. Because when we start to look into things with our clients, it is always those basics that I start with. And it's there's always, I think always is a word that I typically don't like to use, but I think it's true here. There's always room for improvement. in those really basic things that you're doing to nourish your body.
And most of the time that's where the needle moves the most. It isn't getting fancier. It's actually scaling back a little bit and getting more simple and getting more focused. And a lot of times that does come with someone being able to look in from the outside and help you, but either way, it needs to be just being able to like, pull back what you're doing.
And then you do create more time where you're maybe not doing the things that are. stressing you out more, like trying to find all the answers. And you were able to focus on, really getting your blood sugar balance. For example,
Heather: had a client who actually said she was seeing incredible results after just a couple weeks of working together and she was like, I'm just so shocked at how much of this is basics. And she's just didn't realize that I just needed to go back and do the basics and I stopped her and was like, it's not necessarily that you needed to go back and do the basics.
You were already doing the basics. You just weren't really good at them. Think about any sport, anybody who excels in something, it's because they have a really strong. Foundation. And I think about like even real estate nowadays, if you've looked or shopped for a house lately, you've probably looked at a ton of homes that can be Very flashy and very new, they're going up quick and you they're in very crowded neighborhoods and you're watching these developers just like push stuff out versus a house that might be more simple, but it's custom and it's got really great ingredients really great structures.
And they use top quality of appliances or top quality floor plans, or the builders like took their time and did it right. That house is probably going to last longer. Potentially. It's going to serve your family a little bit better because it's customized. It's got your unique stamp on it.
And I just think you're always going to win with going deeper and getting really good at the foundations before trying to do what's really flashy. And that is really hard nowadays because I think especially the way the algorithm and like Instagram, Facebook kind of work, which is where a lot of people are getting their information nowadays.
What is like flashy and I want to say cheap in a way they're not like a lot of people aren't charging you cheap numbers, but it's almost this very flashy, very attracting algorithm loves it. And there's not a lot of substance once you get into it.
Leisha: definitely. Next question is what foods increase progesterone. This is a little bit of a trick question because This is a very like clickbait kind of thing, it's let's just do this cute little poster reel. That's like these foods increase progesterone, but there is so much to the story when it comes to progesterone that it can't be that simple,
Heather: The answer is there's no foods that increase progesterone. And that's actually a really good point to what I was just making about what the algorithm is potentially feeding you because things like that get a lot of clicks because they feel very like. Ooh, let me just grab by, walk by, get a little taste of this.
And it kind of satisfies that dopamine hit you're actually looking for. But then as soon as. You get that hit. It's gone right away. When I see posts like this, I get so frustrated and I know I've probably put some out maybe at some point, but I really am like, no, nowadays and Instagram would love for me to write shorter things or maybe make more bite sized content.
But I think what you actually deserve to know as a consumer, as a woman who truly is like, Hey, I want these things fixed. I'm ready to do what it takes. is that there are no foods out there that you're just going to start eating that are going to boost your progesterone or change your estrogen or fix your stress hormones.
You can have three buckets of ashwagandha a day. And if your stress isn't managed from your daily habits and your mindset and your routines, and it's not going to get you where you need to be. And I say that because we might get a little I don't know, pushback, because some people might be like I started cycle thinking it felt better, or I started taking ashwagandha and I felt better.
And I think there is a reality to some things can support you, but are they supporting you just because you're having more of those foods? Are they supporting you? Because maybe you started stabilizing your blood sugar when you also started cycle thinking or maybe your thoughts started to change when you started taking a pound of ashwagandha a day.
That's important just to keep in mind. But when it comes to increasing progesterone in general. The reason you can't just start eating certain foods and your progesterone increase is because that disregards the process that your body uses to make more progesterone. And the reason your progesterone is low is always going to be the place to start.
When it comes to figuring out well, how do I make more progesterone and different people have different reasons that their progesterone is low. Some people's progesterone is low because their hormones are bottomed out completely. And their hormones could be bottomed out completely for a couple of different reasons.
It could be because they're too stressed. It could be because their body doesn't feel safe. It could be because they're under eating and overexercising, or they're not nourished at all. They could be eating plenty of calories, but not enough of the nutrients. then some people aren't making enough progesterone because they're potentially mineral deficient or they're just pounding protein and that's keeping their blood sugar unstable.
In my opinion, is so tricky. because can nutrition support progesterone? Yes, absolutely. But it is not going to be because you started eating sweet potatoes.
Leisha: Again, it's just that kind of like missing the forest for the trees. It's could you potentially eat more sweet potatoes and have better progesterone levels? Yes. If you're the exact person who is actually just eating too much protein and not enough good quality carbs along with it, and you weren't getting enough nutrients and you really were consistent with those sweet potatoes and that's what you needed.
Potentially it could help, but I don't know the actual percent,
Heather: You started talking and I was about to be like, no, but I see what you're saying. You're right. Such a low percent.
Leisha: It's going to be one little tiny population over here. And just because someone saw that work for themselves, that doesn't mean the sweet potatoes are the answer. Understanding your body is going to make a huge difference. And even just knowing how to track your cycle and understanding your cycle and knowing if you actually have low progesterone or if you just think you have low progesterone and it's something else is going on.
And do you have low progesterone and low estrogen or do you have low progesterone and high estrogen? Those are two completely different stories. Are you ovulating early? Are you ovulating late? Those are all different stories. There has to be more information. And I think that's really our point with this question and I would say nutrition is going to be a huge piece of it and creating that safety in your body so that your brain can say it's okay to make enough progesterone.
I think that's huge, but it's not going to be like, okay. These three foods are going to fix it for everyone. There's just no real life to that.
Heather: that fits into a lot of that mindset with the question about too. If you feel like the only way to get your hormones right and to make more progesterone is to go start eating a bunch of foods you don't eat and follow a specific meal and overhaul everything in your pantry, then yeah, it's not going to feel like you have enough time.
It's not going to be sustainable. It's probably not going to work. That's where that, again, custom strategy, why is your progesterone low? What are you already doing? And how can you take what you're doing and just make some tweaks to it so that you're actually making more progesterone and then understand, not what foods to be eating, but how do you take the foods you already like and eat and just use that as your baseline, as your framework.
to start adding things or moving your timing around or increasing quantity of certain pieces or swapping one ingredient to then see progesterone change.
Leisha: I agree. Next question is similar and that is estrogen dominance, this is the other one that a lot of us think we have or do have and essentially what do we do about estrogen dominance? This is going to be similar in that we have to have a little more of the whole picture.
I can't just answer that question straight off the street because it's okay, but what are your factors that would be causing you to have estrogen dominance? My perspective is that you need two things to have balanced hormones. And one of those is you have to make the hormones well, and the other is that you have to detox the hormones well with estrogen dominance.
If you're making, you might be making the right amount of estrogen and then your detox pathways are compromised. You're not getting it out of the body. You could be making too much and not detoxing it. You could be making too much and your detox pathways are fine, but you're just making too much. So those are, there's three different ways that you can even have estrogen dominance.
in just that specific way, but then it also has to do with your progesterone. It's not just going to be, do you have X number of estrogen that's too high? It's like, how is your estrogen in relation to your progesterone? There's so many nuances just in even the diagnosis or term of estrogen dominance.
It's really common to have symptoms that could line up with that, but we are going to be looking at different things based on what your estrogen layers are involved in your estrogen dominance, even beyond which one of those cases applies to you. Then we're going to look at the layers.
Heather: thing I see with estrogen dominance a lot is a lot of times it's self diagnosed. So you look at the symptoms and you're like, Oh my gosh, I definitely have estrogen dominance. I'm always somebody who's struggled with weight or struggled with blood sugar. I have PCOS. And that's actually a narrative that's also even bought into by providers.
I had a client this morning who was on a estrogen blocker and I was like, why are you on this? And she was like my doctor said I have PCOS so I need to be on it. I was like, Whoa, you don't just start taking those without knowing what's actually going on because same thing.
You can have estrogen dominant symptoms where it seems like, Oh, my estrogen is really high in its activity. I'm having a lot of symptoms of estrogen activity. And that could be because you're not ovulating at all. So yes, the only hormone that's there is estrogen, but that could be happening in the presence of actually really low estrogen levels.
It could be that your estrogen levels are very low, but it's the only hormone that's there. I also see people who struggle with symptoms of estrogen dominance. I see this most often in women that actually have truly low levels of estrogen, but when their estrogen peaks, and then false, it is not being broken down correctly.
So they have these really big fluctuations. It's a lot of what. Leisha was saying with the makeup and the breakdown. And then one thing that wasn't mentioned there is sometimes you can have symptoms of high estrogen activity because you have estrogen mimickers that are coming in from the outside.
So you could be making a good amount and your body's having a hard time breaking it down because it's too busy breaking down or detoxing from other things that look like estrogen in the body that's coming into your body through exposures A lot of times we see this in like personal care products and sometimes the different types of like food containers you're using, plastics, just exposures to different things in general.
A lot of women that work in hair salons, I see this a lot. And so just again, understanding where are my estrogen levels at? Because there's going to be a different picture for you if you're having these symptoms because you have no estrogen, because you have low estrogen, because you have high estrogen or because you have high outside estrogen.
Those are the four places. Probably five because it could also happen if you're not ovulating and then that's why you can't just go take an estrogen blocker. And that's why if you just decide I'm estrogen dominant and you start following all the tips for that, you could actually worsen your root cause because now you're blocking something that you're potentially already low in.
And what you need to do instead is help your body break it down or help your body support it or remove an outside source or start ovulating. ovulate that is going to fix it, So very similar but I think that's really important because Googling estrogen dominance can be so confusing and I see a lot of people that are like I have all the symptoms for high estrogen, but then I also have all the symptoms for low what's happening here And again, it's because they don't really know the root.
So they're just Figuring out where they identify.
Leisha: That's where, again, like the kind of straight across the board advice sometimes helps and sometimes doesn't. And. You could be that, small percent that it's okay, all the things lined up perfectly for me that what I learned on Instagram is going to work and you have results and you feel better.
And if that's you, perfect, that's great. And if it's not you, that doesn't mean something's wrong with you. It just means you're not getting the whole picture and you have estrogen dominance. So step 1, 2, 3 will fix estrogen dominance. There's more to the story.
In most cases,
Heather: And once you know the route, then you can have step 1, 2, 3 fix it. But you gotta know where you're starting at.
Leisha: Another question. So this is a little bit more of a trend, but we've both gotten some questions on this recently is a supplement from row Casa organics. Is something that I've been asked about quite a bit lately, and this is a marketed as this whole. Body hormone support, and it's marketed to be helpful for the thyroid and helpful for estrogen and progesterone and testosterone.
We looked at this together because we had been getting these questions and why would this be helping some people? And why would it not be helpful? Would we recommend it? That was why we were looking at it. We came up with some interesting takeaways.
So essentially what it is it's a, it's an essential oil product and it has all these different essential oils that could be helpful for the right people in the right place to have, who have the right symptoms. But it also [00:19:00] contains some progesterone in the supplements too. I'll just say, I'll start with this.
There are a lot of really good reviews on this product. And I think that is going to be one of the reasons that a lot of people will go for is just if it worked for all these people, like maybe it'll work for me. We'll talk here in a minute about why we think it does work for some people and why maybe that's a little more short term versus long term.
But one kind of big red flag for me with this product is that They essentially tell you to take all four of these products. There's one for thyroid, one for estrogen, one for progesterone, one for testosterone, and you just start taking them and you just take them all month long. To me, that's a red flag because you're not supposed to have the same levels of all of these hormones all month long.
And it is supposed to just enhance your natural hormones or whatever. But not everyone has an issue with all four of those things. Thyroid, testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen. I think that there's a lot there's a lot missing in just making that an across the board. Like everyone needs to take that all the time if you have hormone imbalance.
That's in my mind, the biggest red flag. It is essential oil based. In that way, sometimes that can be effective. Sometimes it can be not, sometimes it's harmful, sometimes it's not. That makes it also hard to sort through if it's not for me, how much is it going to hurt?
I know you have some thoughts on that specifically related to the progesterone.
Heather: , I think if you look at why does it have great reviews? Why are so many people getting pregnant from it? Why are people saying no more migraines? Nothing. It's because you're taking synthetic progesterone every single day. And I say synthetic. I guess it's not a synthetic.
I think they have it as a bioidentical, but it's an outside source of progesterone. Anytime your progesterone receptors are getting stimulated, That is going to create a response. And a lot of times people can respond better when it's in the oil form than when it's in like a cream. So some people will take progesterone creams or progesterone suppositories or progesterone pills, and they actually have like varied reviews.
Sometimes people will take those and feel awful. And they're like, I had so many symptoms, I felt horrible. And sometimes people will take them and they're like, Oh, it was great. Like it helps so much. I find that the oils actually across the board tend to have really great reviews. In a sense, because it is a lower amount that your body is actually going to be absorbing.
There's also a difference in how you're absorbing it, but you are still giving your body an outside source of progesterone every single day. And when your body has progesterone, it can feel really great. That's why I'm so progesterone psycho, because I'm like, this is the hormone that fixes the rest and makes you feel so good and activates that feminine energy and lowers your stress hormones and helps you get pregnant.
All those things are huge, and that's the job progesterone does. Why wouldn't it take it every day is because, number one, your body's not supposed to take it every day. And then the second thing, having it every day does actually become detrimental, because it does push down your estrogen. And then, after time, so what you do one month, literally sets the stage for what happens the next month, which then sets the stage for the next one.
And you start to change your entire fertility system, your entire uterine environment, your entire hormone makeup, and your body is always trying to figure out how much of this hormone do I make today? And if it's being told, Oh, this hormone is already there, it's going to make less. So over time you still might be feeling great, but what's happening behind the scenes when you don't, when you're not putting that oil on, if you weren't putting that oil on every day is that your body is getting more and more deficient in the actual hormones you're asking it to make.
And your body is creating new pathways that say, don't make a lot of progesterone, don't break down a lot of estrogen, don't, whatever else. There's a whole lot of things, but whatever else some of the other oils are doing, cause there's definitely like some clary sage, which I know can actually help with some estrogen pieces.
There's some oils that can calm stress hormones and that type of stuff. I'm not really concerned about those, but I also think that if you took that product and took the progesterone out of it, I do not think they would have the reviews they have. I would bet 92 percent of them would go away literally.
I think that's important. Just to remember is that it might feel if you're taking them, it's Hey, yeah, it might feel like it's working, but what is your plan to stop and what's going to happen when you stop? Are you actually making yourself better? Are you actually supporting healing? And then also just knowing, I think a lot of people don't know that's what's happening because when you read that website and you look at those reviews, And you even look at what it says about the oils, it's sneaky.
It even says like a natural form of progesterone, but progesterone USP is an outside form of progesterone that is going to hit your progesterone receptors, lock onto them and start changing the way your body makes its own progesterone and how that interacts with every other hormone that you have. I could keep going, but I'll stop.
Leisha: This kind of is another FAQ that we get, it's I think my progesterone is low or even estrogen dominance. And should I just take some progesterone? Is it fine to take the, bioidentical progesterone? There's all of these like oils and creams out there.
Again, it's just this could feel good for a while, but it's not the actual answer because we want to know why is your body not making progesterone? Why doesn't it feel safe enough? Why is it not able to prioritize fertility? What ingredients are missing? And I think that's what we're coming down to again and again.
And that's not because we're just trying to, force you into working with us specifically or trying to say you can only, we need to gatekeep this information. It's just truly the female body, the body in general, there are too many variables to oversimplify and there are a lot of basic steps that we see make a really big difference in the right direction.
There's both sides of it. I don't think there's any perfect supplement that is going to fix your hormones. That's not how it works. Taking a pill for an ill is not going to be the answer. In my opinion, it really is going to come back to your lifestyle, what your body needs differently.
And sometimes supplements are helpful. I use supplements. I take them. I use them for my clients, but looking at this and being like, Oh, I don't need to look at my nervous system. I don't need to look at why I'm stressed the heck out all the time. I don't need to look at that. I'm not sleeping, that I'm scrolling too much, that I'm depressed, that my gut is a mess.
All I need to do is take these essential oils and hopefully it'll fix everything there's just a lot missing to that perspective.
Heather: And I think it comes back to really what do you want, if you want to just throw something at it, you're okay with it getting worse. You're okay with getting, feeling okay for a little while and potentially being in a little bit of a deeper hole when you decide that you do want, healing for longer.
If you're okay with kind of being dependent on a product or. Constantly buying more supplements and constantly doing more research and constantly trying to find answers and watch YouTube videos and search Instagram. that's cool. Some people are down with that.
But if you are saying , Hey, I know my body was designed to work really well. I know I shouldn't be feeling like this. I know that I feel like this. And it's a way that my body And probably God are talking to me a little bit of Hey, there is like some stuff that needs healing.
And it can be healed. You were designed, he made you so perfectly that the system works the way it works for a reason. And that is actually what fuels you to have results in all of these other areas to feel like a little bit more calm, patient mom, to have a little bit more libido, to desire more connection.
And even reliance and kind of moving into it or moving out of that, productivity, like over control potentially place that a lot of us can sometimes get in because our culture has shaped informed our routines and what's normal nowadays, and so to me, if you feel like, Hey, I love my body and I want it to work really well.
And I want these other goals. I want to be able to build muscle. I want a really good pair of menopause and menopause. I want to have hormones that work really good when I'm in my fifties and sixties. I want to know how to feel my body. So I have energy and I'm not knocked out too time. So I'm like, okay, yeah.
Then let's actually do the thing. Let's not mess around with all this fake stuff because it's hard and scary to invest Money or time in learning something. But my biggest thing too, is you have to know how this works or you will forever be stuck in the cycle of depending on somebody else to teach it to you or depending on another product to try to fix it.
Leisha: That wraps everything up really well. When you are able to take the time that it takes to assess what's going on in your life, look at the bigger picture, whether that's with help or without help, and then start to really understand how your body is working and what it's telling you.
I think a huge mindset shift is seeing symptoms that you're having as your body talking to and signaling you in a non negative way. And then just saying okay what does this mean? What am I noticing throughout this phase of my cycle? And what does that actually mean for my body?
What needs to change that perspective shift of my body is working with me and it's trying to tell me something versus my body hates me is incredibly big and being able to start seeing results. And when you're able to ask those questions and just be like, okay, I think, really. This is one step that I can take forward.
Then you take that step and you work on that for a while and then you move on to the next thing.
Heather: And with the right practitioner, that is not going to be a lot of time. It's not going to be a lot of stress. It's not going to be you diving into this system and this system. The right practitioner can look and be like, I want you to make these four changes and let's see where you're at in a month.
And literally eight weeks later, you can be completely different. That's encouraging too, it can feel so overwhelming and your brain is probably offering to you that it's going to be a lot more time and a lot more energy and a lot more effort. Then it might actually be, I know that's a piece of feedback I get consistently is I did not realize it could be this easy.
Leisha: There's these small changes you can make that actually are life changing and they feel like they're too easy to make a difference. That can be our takeaway for today. If you're making it, if it feels really hard, then being able to peel back some of the layers is going to be important to be able to go back to the things that are actually going to make the change.
If you are listening to this and you're like, I want my question answered, you can always text us at the show and send your questions. We're going to do more of these FAQ episodes. So send that to us and we will see you next time.